Saturday, January 17, 2015

Priest Pools

This little venture was actually by invite from Auntie Judy. She took us to Priest Pools. 

It's nary a walk from the car. However, there is an ever so brief steep climb down. Can you climb down?
Isn't this beautiful? From the road you would never know this was back here, and the way it opens up beyond the pools is a pleasant surprise. 
Morgan wasn't wearing his swimming trunks so he didn't want to get in which is about the only thing distinguishing him from these local boys. When I lived in Saipan 22 years ago, none of my cousins ever had bathing suits. We always swam in cutoffs and tshirts. 
This next series of photos is kind of funny. It's like Jake is condemning Harris to the lower pools.
 """Isn't there another way!? He's just a boy!"""
Exiled to the lesser pools. He begins the descent. 
Does he mourn the lost future that once was paved with family and friends? 
As panic arises in his throat, his mind frantically searches for a way to reverse the sentence. 
Defeatedly, he slumps to the volcanic rock. 
Bravely, he enters the pool. As the cool water refreshes his heated skin, he was astonished to hear his mother's words, "Always remember to whom you can look forward for your redemption."

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