Sunday, August 10, 2014

Partying in the Contiguous United States

The first day of the County Fair, there is always a parade.

The kids decided about three hours before starting time they wanted to be in it. They bought the candy and registered all by themselves.

They threw most of their candy right at the start and Maddie had to use her foot as the brake. But they had fun!

For Andie's b-day, Grandma threw her a surprise bowling and pizza party. For some reason, the younger kids wanted to hold their bowling balls. Weird.

We were so hungry waiting for the pizza!

We kept having problems with the machinery. Weird stuff kept happening. Weird.

Harris made 100 points! He was the ONLY one to break three digits. He's always watching...always studying.

Bowling Granny.


When your boys forget to buy punks to light fireworks and use every match in the house, this is how you light your birthday candles. Just another day at the Galloway's.

She's so adorable.

Their final night, we stayed at my Sister Missionary's house in Lehi, Utah.

They had tons of fun playing capture the flag.

Stay out of jail!
Farewell, Alaska Gals. Until we meet again!

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