As most of you know already, I am no longer on Facebook. This means that our LDS Home Decor page is no longer active either. I was sharing inspiring little messages on there and decided that I would share those little messages to my missionary son, instead. But of course, I want the whole world to get these messages, too!
So, here is what I shared with Elder Galloway this week:
"""I hope you are adhering to the principles of obedience so that you are worthy of the guidance of the Holy Ghost in your work.
like to share something interesting I read from Hugh Nibley about
ministering. In my BoM reading, I am in 3rd Nephi when the Savior visits
the Nephites, I wanted to understand some things better and did a little
research. Nibley says some things I've never heard before. He was a
professor and this is from one of his lectures on the Book of Mormon.
I'll quote verbatim, but leave out bits that aren't pertinent.
"We are in 3 Nephi 17:23 now: "And he spake unto the multitude, and said
unto them: Behold your little ones." And as they looked to
behold they cast their eyes towards the heaven, and they saw the
heavens open [now the angels come down],... and they came down and encircled those
little ones about, and they were encircled about with fire [this is a
form of energy, as you know]; and the angels did minister unto them."
What do you mean by minister? Well, if you check the various places in
the Book of Mormon [you see] it means
they talked to them. In the first
chapter of Luke, the Christmas chapter, the angel comes. When Gabriel
appears to Zacharias in the temple, he says
I have come to chat with
you, to have a conversation with you. He says the same thing with Mary.
When angels come and minister, what they do is bring the word. That's
what their ministry is, to bring the word, so they come and talk with
us. But minister is a two-way road. You talk back and forth. It's not
just a vision or revelation-they come to chat and discuss.
That's what
ministry is-to take care of you, to explain things to you, to satisfy
you. This is what happens in the New Testament. The multitude saw it,
and they talked with them."~~~This whole thing is Hugh NIbley
Nibley jumps to the Savior's appearance to his apostles in the Holy
Land to show that he himself ministered as the angels do:
"He has many appearances after the resurrection, but he always eats with
them. Why does he do that? That marvelous passage in Luke 24:36 explains
[this]. It's after the resurrection and the apostles are talking among
Again, it uses the same words, autōn lalountōn,
chatting, conversing, exchanging ideas. That's the very one that's used
when the angels come in the beginning of Luke. The angel comes and
speaks to Mary and others. That's what they do-they minister."
Elder, this is what you are doing. You are an earthly angel charged
with the mission to minister. Here are some more awesome things I read
last week. As you know, the Savior sat one by one with his disciples in
America (3 Ne 28:1), and asked what each desired of him. Nine of them
said they want stay on the earth til the age of a man then to go straight to the Kingdom where Jesus dwells, so he
tells them- okay, when you're seventy-two you shall come to my kingdom
and find rest. (3 Ne 28:4)
Then, as you know, three of the
apostles were apprehensive to tell him what they desired. ( I wonder
why?) The Savior knows their thoughts. He tells them they shall be kept
here on the earth until all has been fulfilled and he returns again in his Glory.
The prophet Mormon
then makes his own interjection about whether or not the three Nephites
were mortal or not. He knew not. (not YET anyway! See verse 26! Ask and
ye shall receive!) Then he bears record to us, that
these three men did go "upon the face of the land, and did
minister unto all the people, uniting as many to the church as would believe..."
the clencher: (in verse 27) Mormon tells us that these three men will
be among the Gentiles and the Gentiles shall know them not. And they'll
be among the Jews and the Jews will not know them either. Mormon says
they will minister to the all the scattered
And in verse 30, Mormon
says that these three Nephite men are as the angels of God... That
through prayer in the name of Jesus (same way you pray!) they can show
themselves unto whatsoever man it seemeth good.
And in verse 32,
Mormon says that even among the Gentiles there will be great and
marvelous works wrought by them- the three Nephites. (Guess where you're
working- among the Gentiles!)
SO, Elder, I hope you can see that
you have been called to be a ministering angel. There are many other
angels working right along with you. Some earthly, some heavenly, and
even one of those three Nephite men could be in your very midst.
As Boyd K Packer once said:
If all you know is what you see with your natural eyes and hear with your natural ears you will not know very much. Be better than human, my son. Rise above, and exceed the expectations.
Love, Mom""
Here is Elder Galloway with his Mission President, and President Young's wife. |
His trainer, Elder McBride, from Kanab, Utah. |
Elder Galloway, in the Oregon Eugene Mission. |